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Manage data

Manage your self-hosted Primary Site's data.

Uploading data

To import data to Foxglove, self-managed users must upload their recordings to their configured inbox bucket. Once acknowledged, the pending import will appear on the Recordings page. Once processed, its data will be available via the API and CLI.

Prevent duplication with idempotency keys

Foxglove's upload APIs use one of two mechanisms to ensure recordings are processed only once:

  • Internally, Foxglove creates a unique idempotency key to avoid duplicates after reception.
  • For recordings associated with a device, Foxglove will verify that its content hash doesn't match any other recording already processed for that device before indexing it. For recordings without an associated device, users can provide a unique key parameter to help Foxglove avoids processing the same upload more than once. Data files for duplicate requests are written to a deterministic location and thus require no clean up.

Adding metadata to imports

Associate your recording with metadata information for more self-contained files:

  • Object metadata - For ROS bag files
  • MCAP metadata – For MCAP files

Both types of metadata support the following keys:

  • Device name – Name of device associated with the recording (must match an existing Foxglove device)
  • Device ID – ID of device associated with the recording (must match an existing Foxglove device)
  • Key – Idempotency key associated with the recording

If a device ID is specified in both MCAP metadata and object metadata, object metadata will take precedence.

If an MCAP file has more than one metadata record with name="foxglove", the file's last record will take precedence.

Object metadata

Add object metadata to your files using the following key names:

  • foxglove_device_name
  • foxglove_device_id
  • foxglove_key

To ensure that your file is not read before your metadata is set, write the file and set the metadata in the same operation.

MCAP metadata

Add MCAP metadata to your files using name="foxglove and the following key names:

  • deviceName
  • deviceId
  • key

An example using MCAP's Python library:

metadata={ "deviceId": "dev_abc123" },

Cloud CLI uploads

You can use the command line to upload objects with metadata to various cloud SDKs. Adapt the following examples to your team's unique needs.

Microsoft Azure

$ az storage blob upload -f ~/data/bags/gps.bag --container-name inbox --account-name yourorgfgstorage -n gps.bag --overwrite --metadata foxglove_device_id=dev_03ooHzt1GRRdnGrP

Google Cloud Storage

$ gsutil -h "x-goog-meta-foxglove_device_id:<your device id>" cp <input.bag> gs://<your inbox bucket>/<path>

Amazon S3

$ aws s3 cp input.bag s3://<inbox-bucket>/<path> --metadata '{"foxglove_device_id": "<your device ID>"}'