Simplify analyzing your robots’ behaviors.
Analyze complex robot behaviors in a customizable 3D scene with dynamic rendering, adjustable color modes, opacity, and frame locking. Transform history ensures precision for interactive analysis. Display raw or compressed images, videos, and integrate 2D annotations with 3D markers like text labels, circles, and points. Supported video encodings include formats such as H.264, H.265, VP9, and AV1.

Unify your analysis for a cohesive experience.
Synchronize temporal analysis across panels like Plot and State Transitions for a cohesive workflow. The Plot panel supports customizable time-series and scatter plots, allowing you to define x and y-axis series with timestamps, indices, or message values, along with intuitive labels and styles. The State Transitions panel visualizes discrete changes over time with labeled plots, offering configurable x-axis ranges, multi-series options, and interactive zoom and pan for precise analysis.

Accelerate analysis with key events and timelines.
Accelerate data analysis and collaboration with quick access to key events. Mark and categorize points or ranges of interest linked to a device, timestamp, and metadata for improved traceability. Use the Timeline to zoom in, analyze, or export specific segments, providing fast, organized access to data whether in the cloud or remote environments with limited bandwidth.

Raw analysis? Absolutely.
Streamline your system log and message analysis with the Log and Raw Messages panels. The Log panel simplifies viewing and filtering by allowing you to set minimum log levels, toggle namespaces, and apply precise filters to focus on relevant logs. The Raw Messages panel offers deep insights with a collapsible tree view of the latest message, schema references, and a “Diff mode” to track changes, highlighting additions, deletions, and modifications for clear, efficient analysis.