
Foxglove Named a 2023 RBR50 Winner in Technology, Services and Research Innovation

Celebrating the MCAP file format for standardizing robotics data recording


We’re thrilled to announce that Foxglove’s MCAP file format has been recognized by the Robotics Business Review in its 2023 RBR50 Robotics Innovation Awards.

The flexible and extensible MCAP format improves the experience of working with robotics logs and sensor outputs by standardizing how data is recorded. The open standard format is resilient to failure, performant to read and write, and can store heterogeneous data streams in a single file. This makes it easier than ever for roboticists to leverage third-party integrations (e.g. rosbag2, PlotJuggler, Eclipse-eCAL, etc.) and to collaborate with each other throughout development.

For over a decade, Robotics Business Review's RBR50 Robotics Innovation Awards have highlighted the most creative and influential innovations from around the world that have advanced the state of robotics. These awards have been widely recognized as an indicator of robotics innovation leadership and a critical measure of robotics sector growth.

The Foxglove team is immensely proud to be named alongside so many other incredible innovators in the field – when it comes to the business of developing bleeding-edge robotics solutions, we’re in great company. We’re excited to continue working with this community to drive robotics adoption around the world for many years to come.

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