Introducing Foxglove Studio's New Navigation

Load data, build layouts, and configure panels with the new streamlined interface
Esther WeonEsther Weon ·
1 min read
Introducing Foxglove Studio's New Navigation

Foxglove Studio’s redesigned navigation makes it easier than ever for you to use Studio’s information-rich interface and explore your robotics data.

We’ve reorganized screen space to make it easy to zero in on the information that matters most to you. The new top navigation bar summarizes data source information and highlights quick actions like adding a panel, opening a data source, or choosing a layout.

Most noticeably, we’ve split the original sidebar menu into two panes – one on either side of the layout–  for more efficient analysis. Whether you want to view your data source's topics, set variables, or configure panel settings, you can use these collapsible sidebars to inspect different aspects of your workspace simultaneously.

top nav breakdown

We hope these changes make your development workflow even more intuitive. To share feedback or ask questions, feel free to contact us directly or join our Slack community for support.

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