data management

Manage Your Robotics Data with Foxglove

Organize petabytes of data for easy discovery and analysis

data management

Robotics data should be easy to find, explore, and understand. Historical data is critical to informing future development, and managing this data effectively will help you iterate faster on your robots.

Earlier this month, we announced team layouts – our first collaboration feature for Foxglove. Today we’re excited to announce Foxglove data management, a scalable new service for managing your organization’s robotics data. With our world-class infrastructure that can scale from gigabytes to petabytes, Foxglove is your one-stop shop for storing, analyzing, and visualizing your data.

Reimagining data management

Data management can be time-consuming and expensive, taking away valuable bandwidth and focus from your engineering team.

The sheer volume of real-world and simulated data that robotics developers must sift through is a non-trivial hurdle on its own. Team members are forced to manually upload and download huge files, or pass hard drives around the office to share data with one another. As a team grows, so does its accumulated and duplicated data, making it increasingly difficult to know what information lives where and how to access it quickly.

Foxglove tackles each of these hurdles, allowing you to store and explore data more efficiently. Our convenient web interface and API let you upload data to a central team repository, and our strategic data partitioning and indexing allows you to retrieve the information you need at lightning speed.

Exploring your data has also become more intuitive. You can locate events of interest by querying for a specific robot, a particular time range, or for given topics. For further analysis, you can stream it directly in Foxglove for instant visualization and debugging.

We 💜 feedback

Foxglove is just getting started – we’re excited to hear your thoughts on what we have so far, and what you’d like to see in the future.

We currently support ingesting robotics data in ROS 1 or ROS 2 formats, and can integrate with other frameworks easily. We offer either a fully managed service to get you up and running quickly, or a self-hosted alternative that uses your private VPC or on-premises data center.

Check out our pricing or book a demo to get started with Foxglove.

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